Wednesday, February 24, 2010


My family and I has the chance to stop by and visit the Norman Rockwell museum in Stockbridge MA at the beginning of this winter season. Snow had fallen for the first time and it definitely got us all in the holiday mood. The place was filled to capacity with visitors so at some paintings, observation was 20 plus people deep. This forced me to drift off from the crowd and spend most of my time looking at some of Norman's less popular pencil studies and photograph layouts. Yet in reality these efforts are even more interesting to me then his wonderful finished pieces. How an artist comes up with their concept, and then the changes that happen to it until it's finished will always be the most fascinating part of art to me.


Ginger*:) said...

You are so right, Scott. I love the process and love learning from others and seeing what has been and what it becomes.

There is an ice cream parlor in Wildwood Crest NJ that we used to visit each summer where the whitewashed walls are covered from end to end with wonderful Norman Rockwell prints. They are so captivating your ice cream melts away while you gaze at them.

Kristi Valiant said...

Welcome to the Picture Bookies, Scott! What a fun character.

Amy C. Moreno said...

What a treat that must have been Scott! It's fun to see your sketches here as well. Glad to have you on board!

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

What a character! How FANTASTIC!!! So cool! I love the loose sketches and the beautiful finish! Awesome!

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

What a character! How FANTASTIC!!! So cool! I love the loose sketches and the beautiful finish! Awesome!