Hello Everyone.
It's been a long while, but I wanted to share with you this
new book that I am working on called, "Strange Pets"
I am working on the sketches right now and hope to have
it finished by Christmas. What's the strangest pet you
ever saw??? Have a good one.
Love it! One of my current dummies incorporates some pretty strange pets and they're so much fun to create. Your octopus on a leash is a riot.
Hi Vanessa, Missed you here! This is delightful!
I would think this might be one of the strangest, but we actually had a very strange one at one point.
Our son had an AXYLOTL. They are similar to a mudpuppy but white with red or coral gills and they are an anomoly as they can breed in the immature state. Mostly found in the cold waters of deep lakes like the one in Mexico City, they are amphibians with attitude *:)
Mucho congratulations on your book!!!! *:)
That's amazing Ginger!! I guess strange pets do exist.
I have to look that one up for sure. Thanks so much for the congrats.
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