Monday, March 7, 2011

Ruff Construction

The first illustration that I did that received some notoriety was way back in 1st grade. We were instructed to draw something on a 18x24 inch piece of construction paper that would eventually be laminated and used as a nap mat (AKA-teacher needs a break mat.) My subject matter was Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel and although I can't remember what it exactly looked like, I do recall lots of classmates and adults complimenting it. So these images are sort of a homage to Mike Mulligan for me.


Ginger*:) said...

These are wonderful Scott. You managed to pick a favorite of all time. Virgina Lee Burton's books were always on our shelves and our kids, now grown still have copies in some form. Your newest version is delightful!

Faith Pray said...

Very fun art! I love the colors!

Unknown said...

Very very fun and cute!

Paige Keiser said...

I love love love this dog character, Scott!