Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Favorite Picture Books as a Child

Hmm. . .there were so many but here are a few. . .

I Can't Said the Ant by Polly Cameron ( I always wanted to re-illustrate this book. . .even as a child)

The Little Fish that Got Away by Bernadine Cook, illustrated by Crockett Johnson (first picture book I read by myself)

Curious George

Anything Dr Suess ( I had a love hate relationship with the Cat in the Hat. I loved to read the book because he was so naughty. . .but I hated thinking about the kids Mom coming home with the mess,)

“The Beezus and Ramona Series, by Beverly Cleary, illustrated by Tracy Dockray (which is not technically a picture book. . .but does have lots of fun black and whites)

The Henry Huggins Series, by Beverly Cleary, illustrated by Tracy Dockray (also not technically a picture book but. . .


Ginger*:) said...

I loved reading about your childhood favorites. I think our kids had a whole shelf full of Dr. Suess. It was always so much fun to read "A FISH OUT OF WATER" and the "CAT IN THE HAT" and hear them chime right in with the rhyme.

Kathleen Rietz said...

Dr Suess never made its way into my house until my little sister came along. Loved them, though!

Anonymous said...

Ginger that is one reason I loved the Dr Suess. . .they are just so easy to read for everyone!

Kathleen we didn't have Dr Suess books at home. Not sure why. . .I read them mostly from the library and my cousins homes. . .but I loved them so much!