Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A progression from here to there and back again...

To create this image for a series I am working on, I needed a good sketch. This time instead of using pen and pencil I did a quick sketch in the computer in Painter. I used the Conte Crayon in a soft version and did a general idea of what I wanted. This became a working print out to take to the drawing table where I traced it onto good quality paper.

Next I took some time out from the computer to just play with watercolors, colored pencils and pens to see what I wanted in the way of color. Since this is not archival paper I was able to feel at ease with whatever happened. Knowing it was going back to Painter for the final stages I could relax, experiment and not worry. Having fun is an important part of the illustration process.

With that done I scanned it all back into the computer and this was the result.

I didn't like the sizes being so even so I enlarged the human figure to create a bit more drama. I might even move the human closer to the edge or turn the figure a bit more to the viewer, but for now I like what it happening.

Next I will be finishing this in the computer with these colors and this composition in mind.

That should be ready to post in a day or two. Funny, but sometimes digital painting takes me longer than traditional painting. But either way it is always a joy!

1 comment:

trowbridge chronicles said...

Great sketches, Ginger. I'll look forward to seeing the next post.